BookExpo America, Here I Come!

Oh yeah, this is happening. I can’t actually believe it’s already here, but next week I will be traveling to New York City to attend BookExpo America (BEA) 2015. What is BEA you ask? It’s the leading book and author event for the North American publishing industry, as well as the best place to discover new titles and authors, network, and learn the latest trends. Basically, I’ll be in way over my head. 

bookexpoHow Did I First Hear About BEA? 

By reading a book of course! I remember I was reviewing the entire Publicist series by Christina George, and the lead character attended the Expo at one point in the story. I remember thinking to myself, “That sounds like a cool event, I wonder if it’s real.” A quick internet search later, and I was officially planning my first visit to BEA. 

Why Am I Going? 

beaThey have a networking social on the first day with free soda and freshly popped popcorn. It’s like they know me. No, there are actually a few more legit reasons why I marked this three-day event on my office calendar months ago. On the first day of the Expo they are holding a Blogger’s Conference, and I think it’s pretty clear why that would appeal to me. Maybe I can find out a few tid bits and tricks to write more effective posts for ya’ll. Secondly, BEA is the largest gathering of booksellers, librarians, retailers, and book industry professionals in North America. I’m not gonna lie, getting an autograph or two would be awesome, but hopefully I’ll also be able to chat with some authors and acquire books for future reviews. 

What Should I Expect?

Hell if I know. The best piece of advice I’ve seen online so far about attending BEA is to wear comfortable shoes. Duly noted. I might be taking vacation days off work to attend this thing, but I’ll be on my feet from 9-5 every damn day. Honestly, I’m kind of nervous to be in such a large setting of people, but I’m also bouncing with excitement. I did do something a little silly and had some business cards printed up with my blog, Twitter, and e-mail info, all of which are featured on a lovely beach scene. I have a feeling I’ll either make a lot of great connections and learn some key tips for my writing, or I’ll just come back home with sore feet and a plethora of free tote bags. Should be interesting!

15 thoughts on “BookExpo America, Here I Come!

  1. This sounds perfect for you! And yes – you should definitely hand out your business cards! Get people to your site. They’ll visit once and stay. Have a wonderful time! And please, tell us all about it when you get back. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. What fun! I’ll be there, too (and we worked with that Publicist book) – I’d love to say hi in person. Have fun and don’t forget to check out the list of in-booth autographing. James Patterson, Thurs 9:45 in-booth, is just one of many. These are always fun. I’ve seen Sylvia Day (who is really such a lovely person) and several others (some not so nice who will not be mentioned here 🙂 – and who knows, maybe you’ll even run into Big. Fiction meets the real world at BEA woo hoo!!


  3. Just love those day out! Bookshopping makes everybody happy! – We had a smaller version in Holland and every year I visit it again. Ofcourse I came home everytime with a bag full of new books. Just a small piece of heaven!!


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