Surge by Gina Watson

I was really looking forward to this last installment in the Emergency Responders series, but I must say it was probably my least favorite of the three. Definitely well-written, but kind of depressing 😦

What’s it About?


He was twenty-eight, she was eighteen. Everyone around them opposed their love. But their love was much greater than the sum of their ages. Clara’s family took Jackson in when, at the age of seventeen, he’d lost his parents. The St. Martins were the only family he had. When his connection with Clara developed into something stronger, he couldn’t feel remorseful. What he did feel was warmth, hope, and love. Ten years later it was time to tell the family—he wouldn’t let their love be a lie any longer.

When he came to live with them, Clara knew one day she’d marry him. She just didn’t know her family wouldn’t be on board with the plans. Sure, Jackson was much older than her and yeah, they’d jumped the gun on intimacy, but she’d needed Jackson’s touch that day and he’d needed hers. They planned to marry once he finished medical school, but when Clara’s brother found out about their two-year relationship he beat the good doctor’s face until he was unrecognizable.

Jackson couldn’t see a way they could be together and she wouldn’t have to make a choice between him and her family. He knew what it was to go through life without the support of family and he wouldn’t let her choose him over the St. Martins. Will Clara and Jackson be able to have a future together, or will her family tear them apart?

First Impressions

Clara and Jackson have been dating for two years. They are madly in love, and even talking future marriage plans. There’s just one slight problem: he’s 10 years older. She’s just eighteen, which means they technically “got together” when she was just sixteen. I must say, this book took an absolutely fascinating look at society’s standards regarding age and relationships. In this instance you see how their love is so pure, and you question why anyone would ever want to prevent two amazing people from coming together. Yet the fact that they first met when she was just 8 years old and he was 18, and they hook up for the first time when she’s 16 and he’s 26, even I found myself thinking it was kind of “icky”. Kind of a mind-blowing read in that sense, as you root for them on the one hand, but also want them to take things slow for a while on the other.


The Ball Drops

The reasoning behind why this book wasn’t my favorite of the trilogy actually has nothing to do with the age gap between our two lead characters. Instead, it has to do with the fact that it was…well, kind of depressing! Based on the synopsis above, you know going into this book that her brother will eventually find out about their relationship, and that they’ll take a break on seeing each other for a while. However, this discovery doesn’t happen right away, which means for quite some time you are just waiting for the ball to drop, and the fists to fly. Which they definitely do.


Jackson and Clara really do complete each other, which makes their time apart even more difficult. At the beginning of the novel if the couple spent too much time apart they’d both get incredibly anxious, as though they were addicted to the other. When they’d say goodbye to each other in the morning Clara would leave him with, “If you die I die.” Good…God! I know you two are in love, but maybe take it down a notch? Their declarations and speeches of love were almost too over-the-top flowery that it didn’t seem entirely realistic. Although…maybe this is why I’m single.


Series: St. Martin Family Saga: Emergency Responders, book 3. I can’t WAIT to read the spinoff series involving one of the characters from this book. GAAAH!

Should you read it? Overall a good read with great writing, but sooooo sad! The time that Jackson and Clara spend apart in this novel is so dark and depressing, it kind of made it hard to willingly read at times. I felt like every other page of my Kindle needed to have a picture of a puppy on it. Definitely an interesting consideration of society standards though.

Smut Level: Some sexy scenes, but the last one was kind of ill-timed in my opinion. Clara is trying to get Jackson to open up about the loss of his parents while giving him a BJ. Ummm…sure.

Book Details: Whiskey Cove Publishing. 197 Pages.

Seize by Gina Watson

A good and sexy sequel, but I couldn’t help but feel like something was missing.

What’s it About?


Mia was in trouble. She was alone and she was scared. She prayed for a miracle, and then she met Augustine. A marine, turned sheriff, named after a saint. Augustine Roy liked his job as Sheriff of East Baton Rouge Parish. He liked the town and the town’s women, some said too much, but he’d never heard any of them complain. He wasn’t interested in monogamy, a fact most single women in town had come to understand. He loved his family and friends and when his best friend, Clay, needed his help, he jumped at the chance to use his skills as a former Marine Corps field extraction expert.

While Augie thrived when life ran calm and controlled, his current situation was anything but. Mia had entered his life and dumped it on its head. To top it off, she was so not his type. He preferred large breasted Southern blondes with experience in the sack. Mia was slim, Canadian, and to his utter disbelief, a twenty five year old virgin. But then he’d gone and married her . . .and then she’d passed out. When Mia woke, she had a new name, and a new ring. She just hoped like hell she’d not missed the wedding consummation.

First Impressions

Overall this was a pretty enjoyable read, but I think the main characters were missing the special connection that the lovers from the first novel had. There just wasn’t as much chemistry as I would have liked. Rather than having a spark, it felt more like a flicker. This is also one of those romance novels where technically our couple doesn’t have intercourse for a long time, but good God they do pretty much everything else you could possibly think of in the bedroom! Mia’s a virgin, and Augie’s convinced he’s not good enough for her, so they don’t fully consummate until pretty late in the game. Again though, doesn’t mean it’s not a sexy read!


A Dick, but Not the Good Kind

Augie might be a Sheriff trying to save Mia’s life, but I gotta say the dude was also kind of a dick at times! The two of them have several arguments throughout the span of the novel, and he could just be downright mean. He even insults her intelligence. Sure, she may have done something stupid, but give the girl a break for crying out loud. She’s running for her life! I have a feeling I’d make a few mistakes here and there too. Augie’s also a rather moody fella. He’ll be flirtatious as hell one minute, and try to instigate some intimacy with Mia, but then ultimately deny her sex the next. Not sure I could have the patience for this guy in real life.


Series: St. Martin Family Saga: Emergency Responders, book 2. I must say, I enjoyed book 1 a whole lot more.

Should you read it? These two characters have a complicated relationship to be sure. There’s teasing, flirtations, and quite a few verbal sparring matches. The ending was kind of bizarre in my opinion, as the drama with Mia’s sister’s ex is kind of resolved, yet at the same time it felt kind of unfinished to me.

Smut Level: Augie is a member of a sex club. He engages in some dirty talk with Mia, but for the most part it was pretty vanilla. Fast forward to the end of this novel and he wants her to wear a collar. Um…ok. We go from vanilla to rocky road with whipped cream, chocolate sauce, sprinkles, and freakin’ sriracha pretty damn fast if you ask me!

Get it on Amazon: Click Here. $10.99 Paperback. Whiskey-Cove Publishing. 238 Pages.




Sizzle by Gina Watson

Hot tamales and Tabasco sauce, this book is steamy and totally awesome!

What’s it About?


A Louisiana fireman, Clay St. Martin liked his hoses bound tight and his women bound tighter. He’d not had a traditional relationship in years and was positive he’d found the answer to all his needs and desires: The Hoodoo Pot-Baton Rouge’s elite members only sex and bondage club. Eve Ivey had escaped the clutches of her evil ex, but still she constantly looked over her shoulder. That is, until she met Clay. At six feet five, he was a king among men. She’d certainly like to be his queen. He’d rescued her from a hurricane’s lashing winds and rising water, but his first mistake was in bringing her home. Yet she’d had nowhere to go. A bigger mistake would have been not going back for her. And now neither of them wanted her to leave. The only thing to do was let the storm rage outside while they focused on the personal storm raging between their bodies. A storm that was advancing on their hearts.

First Impressions

Clay is a member of the local sex club, and likes to tie people up. I’ll admit, this immediately put me on edge, as I’m not a huge fan of the whole dom-sub romance story line. However! I’m happy to report that this is in no way your typical d/s book. Sure, he’s a dirty talker and slaps her behind a couple times, but he definitely tones down his sexual urges when it comes to his relationship with Eve. Hell, at the end of the book he even gives up his club membership. Such a gentleman! For those of you like me who aren’t huge fans of BDSM, rest assured when I tell you that you can definitely handle this one.


I’m Burning Up Over Here!

In case I didn’t mention it earlier, in addition to being a member of a sex club, Clay just also happens to be a fireman. Hell yeah! He also rescues Eve in the midst of a hurricane. Double hell yeah! After rescuing her, Eve has no place to go, so she has to wait out the rest of the storm in Clay’s house. Mkay, I’m seriously considering moving to a high flood area for crying out loud!! Let’s face it, worse things could happen than being trapped in a house with a sexy fireman who also happens to be good at tying knots. How will they ever pass the time I wonder? Tee hee, giggle giggle.


Running From the Past

In addition to all the fabulousness of the setting, as well as Clay’s general fireman presence, we also have a really interesting back story happening here. Eve has wound up in this Louisiana town because she’s running from an abusive ex. There are some moments in the book where she cowers from Clay as she mistakenly expects him to mistreat her just like her ex. I must say these scenes were fascinating to read, as we see the dominant Clay treat her with nothing but care. Ahhhhh, I think I just swooned.


Series: St. Martin Family Saga: Emergency Responders, book 1. I’ll be reading book 2 right about…now.

Should you read it? Um, did I stutter? Fireman here people. Fireman! The dynamic between Clay and Eve was mesmerizing, as we see the two learn to trust and open up to each other. I also loved that Clay was willing to adjust his sexual lifestyle to Eve’s needs. Such an unselfish hunk of man love. My only complaint was the ending was rather anti-climactic in regards to Eve’s past, but I think this will play out more in the second book.

Smut Level: Clay’s BDSM tool of choice is rope, as he ties knots all over Eve’s body at some…conveniently placed pressure points.

Get it on Amazon: Click Here. $10.99 Paperback. Self-Published. 220 Pages.